Should I Repair or Replace My Home Appliances?

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Should I Repair or Replace My Home Appliances?

It’s a common question we receive from our customers – if one of your appliances, like your refrigerator or dishwasher suddenly malfunctions, should you have it repaired or replace it?

The answer is – it depends.

Do-It-Yourself Appliance Repair – Is it Worth It?

Although you may think that you’ll save a lot of money doing an appliance repair yourself, the truth is that in this day and age, appliances have become more complicated and complex than ever. With more and more digital components, traditional appliances – even refrigerators and dishwashers, can be nearly impossible to fix on your own if you don’t have the necessary tools or expertise.

In many cases, trying to fix it yourself leads to more frustration and potentially causes issues that can make the breakdown even more costly to fix.  So if you’re thinking of DIY appliance repair – call an expert first!

When to Call an Appliance Repair Specialist

Fixing an appliance is not only a smart move from a cost standpoint, but it’s good for the planet as well. Too often, we dump our old electronics and appliances, which contain harmful components that could leach out into the soil if proper handling precautions aren’t taken.

If your appliance is less than halfway through its typical life span, and it hasn’t caused you much in the way of issues, calling an appliance repair Orange County specialist is a smart decision that can save you a lot of time and money.

You’ll also want to consider the cost of repairing versus replacing the appliance. If it’s difficult to find parts for your appliance anymore, it may be time to recycle it.

When to Replace Your Appliance

Replacing your appliance with a newer model could be smarter than having it repaired, particularly if the appliance is beyond its average life expectancy. If the appliance has been particularly troublesome and had lots of repair issues, it may be time to look at replacing it as well.

Many older appliances also tend to use a lot more energy and draw a lot more power than their newer, more modern counterparts.

What to Expect When Calling Orange County Appliance Repair

When you call our office, you’ll not only get the prompt and courteous attention you expect, but you’ll also get affordable, accurate pricing. We never charge hidden fees or tack surprise surcharges onto our estimates.

Take the time to talk with us and share the appliance issue that’s been causing you endless frustration. We’ll take the time to carefully understand the problem so that we can get right to work on fixing it, making sure your appliance works as good as new.

Whether it’s a faulty fridge or a daunting dishwasher or anything in between, we have the skills, experience and know-how to get your appliance working quickly.  Call Orange County appliance repair service today and let us know what’s going on with your appliance. We can come by and take a closer look as well as formulate a plan to get it up and running in no time, and at a price that’s both affordable and easy to understand.

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